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You Mean I Am Supposed to Teach Science, Too? |
In 2008, expanded MAP (Missouri Assessment Program) testing begins in Science. The grade-span tests will be administered in Grades 5, 8, and 11. With the push to meet AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) in communication arts and math, many teachers have been forced to skimp on science instruction. Are you in need of resources to help prepare your students for the upcoming Science MAP tests? This workshop will help you discover online science tools and resources that have been aligned with the GLEs (Grade Level Expectations).
http://sqooltools.com/freeworkshops/sciencegles.htm |
From: TeacherClicks/Free Online Workshops for Teachers |
Hits: 1055 |
Date: May 18, 2008 |
Votes: 0 |
Rating: 0.00 |
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