The Haunted Haunted House by Roberta Tracy |
�Small town kids try to turn an abandoned mansion into a Halloween haunted house, but find it inhabited by ghosts and a disgruntled gargoyle. Joining forces with this unlikely crew, the children vanquish an evil enchantress determined to make the place her headquarters.� |
http://www.candlelightstories.com/Stories/HauntedHaunted.htm |
[0.00] Votes: [0] Hits: [480] | Aug 17, 2009 | Add To Favorites
Ghosts in the Night by Katherine Rollins |
�Ghosts are scary. But can you catch them? This is a wonderful, positive story for young ones at the Halloween season!� |
http://www.candlelightstories.com/Stories/GhostNight.htm |
[0.00] Votes: [0] Hits: [335] | Aug 17, 2009 | Add To Favorites