The Sweet Smelling Skunk by Artie Knapp |
�What does old Mrs. Donnelly do when she discovers a skunk in her garden? The answer might surprise you. Come and enjoy this story about an unlikely friendship.� |
http://www.candlelightstories.com/Stories/SweetSmellingSkunk.htm |
[10.00] Votes: [2] Hits: [350] | Aug 17, 2009 | Add To Favorites
A Puss in Boots Wants Red Shoes by Karen Lewis |
�Mom wants her to buy sensible warm boots. But this young cat absolutely must have those red shoes!� |
http://www.candlelightstories.com/Stories/APussInBootsWantsRedShoes.htm |
[10.00] Votes: [1] Hits: [350] | Aug 17, 2009 | Add To Favorites
The Substitute by Mitchell C. Vaughn |
�You think being a substitute teacher is easy? Think again. In this story, a fiftyish man leaves the corporate world to become a substitute teacher. Come along on his first day.� |
http://www.candlelightstories.com/Stories/TheSubstitute.htm |
[0.00] Votes: [0] Hits: [359] | Aug 17, 2009 | Add To Favorites
The Rooster that Wouldn't Crow by Artie Knapp |
�This is a story about individuality and the right of a rooster to fall in love with anyone he wants to fall in love with. These barnyard animals deal with questions and issues that are important to all creatures whether they live on a farm or in a city.� |
http://www.candlelightstories.com/Stories/TheRoosterThatWouldntCrow.htm |
[10.00] Votes: [2] Hits: [346] | Aug 17, 2009 | Add To Favorites