Change Maker |
Change Maker is an educational game where the player must calculate the change given for a money purchase. Currencies from the United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, and Mexico are available.
http://www.funbrain.com/cashreg/index.html |
[0.00] Votes: [0] Hits: [637] | Mar 5, 2008 | Add To Favorites
Money Calculators |
Use the Holiday Savings Calculator to determine how much you will have to spend on gifts for the holidays based upon how much you have already saved and how much you will save each week.
Use the Car Calculator to determine how much you will have saved for a car over the time time between now and when you can get your license.
http://www.kidsbank.com/calculators/index.asp |
[0.00] Votes: [0] Hits: [369] | Mar 5, 2008 | Add To Favorites
The Adventures of Mr. EFT from KidsBank.com |
Mr. EFT here! Together we'll learn about how money can move around like magic, all over the world...I'm electronic funds transfer!
http://www.kidsbank.com/the_story/mr_eft/index.asp |
[10.00] Votes: [1] Hits: [308] | Mar 5, 2008 | Add To Favorites